Lou Brutus has released “Me and Bill Murray,” the true-to-life musical tale of a chance meeting in New York City with Bill Murray. It leads to a night of madness, wisdom, and french fry pilfering.

Of the song LB says, “Meeting Bill Murray is like seeing a UFO. If you tell people about what happened, they’ll think you’re a crackpot. Bill lets you know to expect that, so it’s all good. I just want to tell the story. Whether or not listeners believe it happened to me or not is totally up to them. It just doesn’t matter, it just doesn’t matter, it just doesn’t matter.”

Tell your own Bill Murray story online using #MeAndBillMurray. The best will receive cue cards from the video shoot.

Get the song on iTunes here. Watch the video on YouTube below. Read all about it in pieces by All Access, I’m Music Magazine, Pop Sound Off, and Pure Rock News.


After spending his life searching for the perfect cheeseburger, Brutus has changed his dietary habits from the ground up and actually started eating healthy. The change in diet has led to a 55lb weight loss.

“I wasn’t going to mention it to anyone, but when I started running into people, they thought I was ill,” said Brutus as he crammed a fork full of organic lettuce into his mouth while simultaneously eyeing an ice cream sundae across the restaurant.

Lou said there is no particular secret of such a large weight loss in just three months. “Lots of water. Lots of fresh veggies and eight ounces of protein a day. No sugar, no carbs, no dairy.”

The rest of his comments were inaudibile due to the volume of his growling stomach.


“You’re Making Me Hate You” is the new book by one of Lou’s favorite human beings, Slipknot and Stone Sour lead singer, Corey Taylor.

Corey is embarking on a solo tour that will include readings from the book along with music. He’s also invited Lou to host a special event.

On Wednesday July 8th, Bryant Park in New York City will feature Corey and Lou as part of their venerable Word for Word author series.

No one is quite sure exactly what these two have cooked up for the event but, rest assured, it will be different.

Attendance for this even is free and runs from 12:30pm to 1:45pm.

Hit Bryant Park’s site here.

To find out more about Corey Taylor’s entire book tour, as well as all the other magnificent madness in his career, go here.

UPDATE: The event was sick! Thanks to all!



The ’15 Major League Baseball season marks LB’s 8th as an on field photographer for MLB Network Radio.

On Opening Day, he was in Washington, DC to see his beloved NY Mets against the Nationals. During the pregame, Brutus accidentally photobombed superstars Bryce Harper and Matt Harvey on ESPN.

Look for Lou’s shots throughout the season. Be sure to follow his social nets for images.


The merch masters at Core Revolt are gearing up for all-new Lou Brutus merch beginning this Summer. That means we gotta get rid of what’s left of the old stuff!

All t-shirts at just $12! Beanies are $12! Stickers & Picks $1 each!

There are sales on everything in the store so hit it now!

Hit the site here.

Be sure to Share or Retweet the notics on Lou’s social nets for chances to win stuff for free!